Seismic Unix,Parallel Processing on Linux Systems,Seismic Reflection Processing,Geophysics
Welcome to the Henry Thorson Consulting web site.
Seismic Velocity Analysis,Graphical User Interfaces,Tomography,Geophysical Consulting |
We design and implement customized computer applications for our clients, specializing in scientific data analysis and display on various platforms and networks.
Check out EXAMPLES for descriptions of some of our customized software projects.
TKSU, a free open-source graphical user interface for the Seismic Unix (SU) processing package, is now available for download from our SOFTWARE page.
Our Specialities:
- PC's: Linux, Windows 9x, NT
- UNIX Workstations: Solaris, AIX, System V, BSD
- Shared memory machines: SGI
- Distributed memory machines: PC Networks, Beowulf Clusters
Languages/Tools Supported:
- C
- C++
- Fortran
- MS Visual C++
- Rogue Wave C++ class library
- XVT (cross-platform C++ class library and development environment)
- POSIX Threads
- Parallel Processing with MPI, PVM
- X Windows, Motif
- Tcl/Tk
- Assembly languages